Probably you might have heard of ActiveX a number of times, especially in connection with various browsing programs. What is an ActiveX? This proprietary software of the Microsoft allows the browser to access and interact with certain web pages and documents. Since this is entirely developed by Microsoft, browsers other than Internet Explorer usually do not completely support ActiveX and the following description familiarizes you with a few browsers that support ActiveX.
Internet Explorer
It is the only browser that offers full support for complete ActiveX controls and plug-ins. Whenever you navigate to a website or online document that needs a new ActiveX control, you can see an alert appearing at the top of the page. On clicking this alert, you are able to view information about the ActiveX controller that you need and which will allow the Explorer program to download the plug-in. Internet Explorer has the ability to retain the ActiveX control any time you return to that site or document that requires the same plug-in.
Mozilla Firefox
Since this popular program is not developed by Microsoft, it does not allow complete support for ActiveX controls because ActiveX controls are a set of proprietary program owned by Microsoft. However, Firefox developers create new plug-ins that users can install to get support for websites and documents that require ActiveX controls. While running across a website that uses ActiveX, if you see that it is broken in the Firefox browser, you can report it to the development team immediately. In addition, you can download the Esker Active Plug-in from the Firefox add-on, which attempts to imitate ActiveX controls on the Firefox browser.
Google Chrome
This browser is also similar to Firefox, which does not support ActiveX natively, instead uses a Netscape Plug-in Application Programming Interface in order to view and interact with websites that require the controls. Since it is a new browser, many add-ons and plug-ins that support ActiveX are under development. While encountering a site or document that requires an ActiveX control that Chrome cannot access, you should report this situation to Google Chrome support center to mitigate the issue immediately as possible. This will alert the developers at the Google Chrome support to create new and compatible ActiveX controls required for this program.
All these above-described browsers are well established to meet your surfing needs. In addition, troubleshooting tips are just a Google search away if you need further assistance!