Monday, December 30, 2013

What Makes Windows 8.1 More User-Friendly Than Windows 8

Microsoft had launched Windows 8 as the next big thing to watch out for in the field of operating systems. Windows 8 was mainly targeted on those users who are addicted to the modern touch screen computers and smart phones. Apparently, Windows 8 boasted of some of the most modern and novel features to come out in recent times. These included the Charms bar, Live tiles replacing icons, and the Metro interface.
However, Microsoft excluded some of the basic features in Windows 8 such as the Start menu, which was available in all the previous versions. So although many customers decided to do the Windows 8 upgrade, the exclusion of these features got many of them perplexed at performing the basic functions on a Windows 8 computer. For example, some customers did not know how to shut down their Windows 8 computer because of the absence of the Start menu. Eventually, Windows 8, which was aimed to revive the customers, turned out one of the biggest blunders of Microsoft. The same users who had done the Windows 8 upgrade earlier, decided to switch over to other operating systems.
This forced Microsoft to tweak some of the features of Windows 8 and develop its latest version i.e. Windows 8.1. According to sources, Windows 8.1 would see the return of some of the basic features such as the Start menu, to make it convenient for the users. Along with it, Windows 8.1 has newer versions of the built-in apps, and the new alarms and timer app in Windows 8.1 uses the Windows 8.1 version of control, which is found to be three times faster than the Windows 8 control on a low-end PC.
Microsoft ensures that the Windows 8 devices would be compatible with Windows 8.1 and all Windows 8 Windows Store apps would run on Windows 8.1. It would be the same in the case of the drivers and desktop applications in the new operating system. It simply means that if you would like to do a Windows 8.1 upgrade, you would not require clearing your system or reloading your applications and data. According to the Windows general manager, Erwin Visser, upgrading to Windows 8.1 would be much more like running updates or installing a service pack.
Hence, with the latest exciting apps and basic user-friendly features, Microsoft Windows 8.1 seems to clearly outdo its predecessor, Windows 8, and retain the customers the latter had intended to.

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